Please join John & Kate Brody, Dr. Christopher & Connie Copeland, Pamela Gartin, Dr Philip & Jody Hawley, Rick & Nina Hoppes, and Dr. Mary McIlroy in Supporting Reproductive Rights

Friends, Family, and Neighbors,

This is a private, deeply felt, and personal request of you.

If you have not yet contributed your financial support to passing Issue One in November, NOW IS THE TIME. Give what you can comfortably give. Please.

This proposed constitutional amendment will codify the individual’s right to make reproductive health decisions in concert with medical counsel. To read the exact text of the amendment, it is linked here.

It is so important that we all support and vote YES on Issue One.

The majority of Ohioans, regardless of political party, know that this issue is a critically important safeguard against an egregious legislative infringement of personal rights. and bodily reproductive autonomy.

With the November 7 election coming up fast, contributing your own dollars is the most effective remaining avenue to help get Issue One approved and passed.

Thank you so much.

John & Kate Brody, Dr. Christopher & Connie Copeland, Pamela Gartin, Dr. Philip & Jody Hawley, Rick & Nina Hoppes, and Dr. Mary McIlroy

Checks can be made payable to OPRR PAC and mailed to:

â„… Millie Vaughan
545 E. Town Street
Columbus, OH 43215

We invite you to learn more about and join us in the fight for reproductive freedom.